Mittelfest — Dance


Bai Li Wiegmans

Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Battuti
22 minutes
21/07 - 19:00

A film and a dance solo, two artistic languages meet to trace the extraordinary journey of a Chinese adoptee. Bai Li Wiegmans invites us on an intimate exploration of her own life in search of a sense of belonging. Home is not just a personal story, but a tribute to those who face the difficulties of adoption and dual identity. An evocative and delicate show that gives voice to those without a fixed sense of home and offers comfort and understanding to those who are caught between two worlds. 

Winner Mittelyoung 2024

Home, chosen for opening up the artist’s private world, revealing emotion through a delicate and impeccable gesture.

Curatores Mittelyoung 2024



The current and sensitive issue of international adoptions proposed in a format that
combines an autobiographical documentary and an intimate dance thought.
Original and emotional


The Jury
Alberto Bevilacqua, Veronika Brvar, Roberto Canziani, Elisa Marcon


artistic direction Bai Li Wiegmans 

dancer Bai Li Wiegmans 

composer and music producer Bongjin Jung 

director of photography Christopher James Viñalon 

film production CJV productions 

voices Xiaojie Pan, Bai Li Wiegmans, Henri Wiegmans 

poem Li Bai – Quiet night thoughts 


special thanks to Het Cultuurfonds, Hefei Children’s Welfare Institute 


production Mittelfest2024