Mittelfest — Dance

Full moon

Josef Nadj

Teatro Ristori
60 minutes 
23/07 - 21:30

The full moon, the end and beginning of its cycle that becomes rhythmic structure, danced time, and then jazz, with its often forgotten dance component and its African roots. Hungarian choreographer Josef Nadj starts here and creates a bewitching, visceral performance that pays tribute to great jazz musicians such as Cecil Taylor and Art Ensemble of Chicago. Holding the moon and music together is a puppet: a counterpoint to the living body, a figure that is disordered vitality, harnessed in form. 

With the music of
Fritz Hauser
Famoudou Don Moye & Tatsu Aoki
Art Ensemble Of Chicago
Malachi Favors Maghostut & Tatsu Aoki
Peter Vogel
Christian Wolfarth
Lucas Niggli 

Italian premiere  


choreography Josef Nadj

Timothé Ballo, Abdel Kader Diop, Aipeur Foundou, Bi Jean Ronsard Irié, Jean-Paul Mehansio, Sombewendin Marius Sawadogo, Boukson Séré – Josef Nadj
artistic collaborator Ivan Fatjo

lighting Sylvain Blocquaux

costumes Paula Dartigues

production and distribution Bureau Platô Séverine Péan and Mathilde Blatgé

administration Laura Petit

executive production Atelier 3+1
co-production Montpellier Danse, Le Trident, Scène nationale de Cherbourg, MC 93 Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny, Charleroi Danse, Le Tropique Atrium, Fort-de-France, Théâtre des Salins, Scène nationale de Martigues, Le Théâtre d’Arles
with the support of France Ministry of Culture, DRAC Ile de France, financed by Île-de-France Region and Teatroskop – a program initiated by the French Institute, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs


artistic residencies Montpellier Danse 2024, creative residency at Agora, Cité internationale de la Danse, with the support of Fondation BNP Paribas CND – Centre National de la Danse à Pantin, La Maison des Métallos, Paris, Charleroi Danse, La Cocoteraie des arts, Mondoukou, Artus Studio, Budapest, Le Trident, Scène nationale de Cherbourg, MC 93 Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny


photo © Theo Schornstein