Mittelfest — Evento

Opening Ceremony of Mittelfest Disordini

Chiesa di San Francesco
20/07 - 18:00

If the world runs so fast that escape the eye and leaves those passing by lost, what to do? Take shelter within one’s own walls, watching what is happening outside from a screen, or jump into the centre of the frame as a protagonist? Or imitate the tightrope walker and navigate events, wobbling along one’s own slender path, suspended precariously towards the goal, amidst conflicts, illusions, races, hopes and other sumptuous disorders?
The die is not cast.
Mittelfest 2024 closes a trilogy, an ideal symphony of chaos that recounted the unexpected (imprevisti) in 2022, the inevitable (inevitabile) in 2023 and thus arrives, in 2024, at the theme disorders (disordini).

Free admission with registration required