A concert combining music, circus and theatre, video mapping, choreography and fashion design. Energy and calm, harmony and disorder, passion and technicality. Marquis Noir are an eclectic fusion of extremes, in which the freedom of improvisation and the adrenaline of rock combine with classical music, film music and funk. As the five musicians write, “music is universal, but musical fusion is even more so”. A Marquis Noir concert means either calm in the chaos of the universe or chaos in the stillness of life. 

Winner Mittelyoung 2024

Marquis Noir, chosen for its dense and engaging energy, conveyed through a chaotic, yet decisive and sincere sound.

Curatores Mittelyoung2024



A concert in which the dialogue between musicians from different backgrounds is
transformed into a dynamic, fluid show, with a radiant impact on the audience.
An energetic show


The Jury
Alberto Bevilacqua, Veronika Brvar, Roberto Canziani, Elisa Marcon

A film and a dance solo, two artistic languages meet to trace the extraordinary journey of a Chinese adoptee. Bai Li Wiegmans invites us on an intimate exploration of her own life in search of a sense of belonging. Home is not just a personal story, but a tribute to those who face the difficulties of adoption and dual identity. An evocative and delicate show that gives voice to those without a fixed sense of home and offers comfort and understanding to those who are caught between two worlds. 

Winner Mittelyoung 2024

Home, chosen for opening up the artist’s private world, revealing emotion through a delicate and impeccable gesture.

Curatores Mittelyoung 2024



The current and sensitive issue of international adoptions proposed in a format that
combines an autobiographical documentary and an intimate dance thought.
Original and emotional


The Jury
Alberto Bevilacqua, Veronika Brvar, Roberto Canziani, Elisa Marcon

In 2014, twenty-two-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured fourteen. Before committing suicide, he released his manifesto, “My Twisted World”, which collected the significant events of his life, from childhood to the massacre. Elliot was a so-called “incel”, an involuntary celibate. In Twisted World, Elliot’s mind is transformed into an interactive stage video game. An unconventional show that confronts us with the most extreme contemporary generational fears. 

The show can be followed live on the online streaming platform Twitch on twistedworld channel 

Winner of Mittelyoung 2024

Twisted World, chosen for its relevance, risk, innovation, and the complexity of its construction.

Curatores Mittelyoung 2024

An interactive music workshop for children aged 5+ immersed in history!

The violinist Puña travels through time and accidentally ends up in the 6th century AD, where she meets Gisulfo, Duke of the Lombards, who is always busy with politics and knows nothing about music. So Puña, with the help of the children, takes the opportunity to introduce him to it. As well as offering a historical account in accordance with the museum exhibits, the workshop explores music in all its forms: listening activities and collective playing, singing, rhythmic games and dance steps. All the activities develop a range of skills in the child that are important for growth.

Free admission with compulsory registration. Reservations here

In the colourful circus bandwagon, disorder and discipline intermingle. It is precisely the constant tension between order and chaos that gives rise to the deepest sense of this discipline. Translated into a pedagogical key, this tension becomes the basis for an activity where the rule does not stifle creativity and, conversely, playful enthusiasm acknowledges the existence of the rule as its fundamental premise. The workshop will make children experience the main circus techniques with group games inspired by psychomotricity studies.

Since 2011 Circo all’inCirca has put its creative style at the service of education, promoting circus as a platform for the development of ideas, innovative methods of social inclusion, artistic expression and sporting discipline. The four-day workshops, run by established educators, address the main areas of circus disciplines: acrobatics, object manipulation and juggling.

Participants may attend one or all four sessions

Participants are required to wear a tracksuit, without zips, buttons, rings, necklaces and any other kind of accessory that may ruin the materials or cause injuries to the wearer.
The activity takes place barefoot and is an actual lesson, participants must arrive on time and stay until the end of the lesson. 

Free admission with compulsory registration.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Franco Basaglia’s birth, his direct pupils and the generations immediately following tell us how the psychiatrist elaborated his revolutionary theories on mental health, placing the person and their discomfort at the centre and demolishing asylum institutions. Stock footage and first-hand accounts confront us with the abomination of asylum segregation and the truly curative practice developed by Basaglia. What about today? Has Law 180, which was named after him, been fully implemented? What is the practice in the treatment of people suffering from mental disorders? How does the national health service deal with mental health? A film that does not give answers, but raises the debate on one of the most pressing and forgotten issues of our present.

Free admission subject to availability
In case of bad weather, the screening will be held in Sala Sociale of SOMSI in Cividale del Friuli

A contemporary fairy tale that to the rhythm of music celebrates the strength and beauty of multiculturalism. Kamla recently moved with her parents into a run-down building on the outskirts of Trieste, where other immigrant families and an old professor who hates everyone live. When the eviction letter arrives, determined not to leave their homes, the men react angrily to the outlawed landlord’s threats, while the women unite to save the fate of their families, amid laughter, tears and misunderstandings. Meanwhile, Professor Leone and little Kamla, against her father’s wishes, become friends, while their mother Shanti soon reveals her talent for dancing like a Bollywood star. With the help of an Italian friend, the project of a dance school is born and in the neighbourhood people are already talking about the Babylon Sisters.

Free admission subject to availability
In case of bad weather, the screening will be held in Sala Sociale of SOMSI in Cividale del Friuli

Worker, soldier, militant, prisoner, conspirator, bomber, exile. This and much more was Umberto Tommasini (1896-1980), an anarchist blacksmith who crossed the 20th century driven by a contagious human approach to life. A documentary that, telling the life of a simple militant blacksmith, also tells the story of his hometown, Trieste, and the great events that shook Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. Between archive images, interviews and original animations, the documentary portrays the life of a man marked by intense humanitarianism and a constant sense of irony. A man who chose, without second thoughts, to devote his life to political struggle and paid the price for this choice directly on his own skin.

Free admission subject to availability
In case of bad weather, the screening will be held in Sala Sociale of SOMSI in Cividale del Friuli

Jacopo Giacomoni, Circo all’inCirca and Collettivo l’Amalgama meet the audience.

For one hour Cividale turns into Zlotogrod, a town on the outskirts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on the border with Russia. For one hour the streets of Cividale become the streets of a fictitious town born from the pen of Joseph Roth. A place inhabited by cold officials, poor Jewish shopkeepers, exiles, gypsies and escaped prisoners, a distant and at the same time very close universe where the famous writer set many of his stories.

Free admission subject to availability
In case of bad weather, the event will be held in Ridotto del Teatro Ristori

Teatrino Giullare and Matteo Spiazzi meet the audience.

The director Matteo Spiazzi and the historic company Teatrino Giullare are two excellences of the Italian scene that interpret in an original way one of the oldest techniques of theatre: the mask.

Free admission subject to availability
In case of bad weather, the event will be held in Ridotto del Teatro Ristori