We all sin in the eyes of God. But what happens when a sin is so great that it cannot be forgiven? There are those who repent, those who question themselves, those who choose to improve themselves. The characters in this play are two brothers who fight, endlessly and over the most trivial things. Where will this fight take them? Only if you are aware of the problem you are in, can you hope for redemption: this is the essence of “Lonesome Balkans”. Add to that a healthy dose of black humour. 

Italian premiere  

Performed in Serbian with English surtitles 


Cia. Bruta Bruja (Santa & Glitter), Marquis Noir (Marquis Noir) and JL Production (Lonesome Balkan) meet the public on Thursday, July 18 at 4:00 PM at the Chiostro Centro Civico.
Hosted by curator Andreas Garivalis
Free entry

Natalino Balasso is Trotta, the protagonist of The Emperor’s Tomb, the famous novel by Joseph Roth. The parable of an awkward viveur, from his dissolute adolescence in early 20th-century Vienna to the Nazi annexation of Austria in 1938, who passes unscathed and unaware through the Great War, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the economic boom of the 1920s, the upheaval of customs and libertarian and liberticidal impulses. He is a man overwhelmed by events, unable to embrace the fashions of the time, groping in a shattered Central European world of dissolute friends, foolish cousins, tyrannical mothers, ambiguous wives and girlfriends, adventurers, braggarts, failed soldiers and nobles: a barren age with no future, which in its variety is so reminiscent of the Europe of a hundred years later. It is a merry-go-round, a babel, a satire of nostalgic aristocrats, rampant profiteers and drawing-room progressives, swirling around a lonely man as he tries to understand himself together with the audience.

Performed in Italian with Slovenian and English surtitles

Student Preview Friday 10 May/Premiere Saturday 11 May 2024

First part of the trilogy Inabili alla morte/Nezmožni umreti