Mittelyoung — Music

Marquis Noir

Marquis Noir

Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Battuti
60 minutes
18/07 - 20:00

A concert combining music, circus and theatre, video mapping, choreography and fashion design. Energy and calm, harmony and disorder, passion and technicality. Marquis Noir are an eclectic fusion of extremes, in which the freedom of improvisation and the adrenaline of rock combine with classical music, film music and funk. As the five musicians write, “music is universal, but musical fusion is even more so”. A Marquis Noir concert means either calm in the chaos of the universe or chaos in the stillness of life. 

Italian premiere  


Cia. Bruta Bruja (Santa & Glitter), Marquis Noir (Marquis Noir) and JL Production (Lonesome Balkan) meet the public on Thursday, July 18 at 4:00 PM at the Chiostro Centro Civico.
Hosted by curator Andreas Garivalis
Free entry


Patricia Marchiș saxophone 

Tim Thieme keyboards 

Cristian Cioloca guitar 

David Vshayn bass 

Sebastian Arvai drums 


production Mittelfest2024